Proton Therapy often gives significantly less radiation to normal tissues across a spectrum of cancers when compared to the most advanced x-ray (photon) treatment:

Above you see a gallery of images that show radiation distributions between Proton Therapy and traditional x-ray or photon treatment. In simple terms, the Proton plans use less beams and have significantly less radiation delivered outside of the target volume while delivering the prescribe dose to the cancer. As you can see, this is true across a variety of cancer locations. In simple terms, treatment plans with proton therapy can offer a chance to reduce toxicity in many cases if the excess dose falls into critical regions of the body.
What cancers can you treat with Proton Therapy and is there any data?
To date, the strongest evidence for decrease in toxicity is esophageal cancer showing significantly less toxicity when patients are treated with proton therapy compared to IMRT in a prospective randomized trial. In that study, the largest benefit was in patients having chemotherapy and radiation followed by surgery. In that group in particular, those patients had far less post-operative complications.
There are many studies, across a variety of cancers which point to possible areas of less toxicity based on retrospective studies - in my assessment these are often overly promoted even on large institutional sites. These are potential, rather than proven, possible benefits. Beyond esophageal cancer, the next strongest data site is head and neck cancer where I believe there is quite strong data demonstrating less toxicity with protons for many of these cases.
Because of less dose delivered and radiation sensitivity in growing tissues, proton therapy is often considered a standard approach for pediatric cases.
To Learn More:
These are complex discussions and complex issues to understand. If you have questions based on marketing material, you are often best served to meet with a physician with proton experience to help determine the best path for you.
To read more of my thoughts, you can explore the Proton101 Blog. It has more articles I have written on a broader side of medicine but many articles focus on summarizing the current literature in the field of proton therapy.
Understand Your Options:
Proton Therapy is a relatively limited resource. There are many good physicians and many good cancer specialists who do not have a well-rounded understanding of the benefits that Proton Therapy can have in the management of your disease. At Proton Radiation Oncology, PLLC, we believe understanding all available treatment options for your cancer is a critical step and we are happy to meet with you to review the details of your individual case and review whether or not Proton Therapy is a good option for you.
Mark Storey MD
President Proton Radiation Oncology, PLLC
Radiation Facility Contact Information:
Oklahoma Proton Center
5901 West Memorial Road
Oklahoma City, OK 73142